March 20 - April 12, 2025
New York City
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December 4, 2024Center For Performance Research
OPEN AiR | Sarah Rothberg: MEETINGS RESEARCH (HUMAN IN THE LOOP)MEETINGS RESEARCH (HUMAN IN THE LOOP) is a performance-experiment by 2024 Artist-in-Residence Sarah Rothberg which uses improvisation, conversation, and AI language models to (literally) reflect the present moment.<img src="" data-large-src="" class="lazy " draggable="false" alt="Sarah Rothberg and Marina Zurkow, Wet Logic, bitforms gallery, 2020." style="aspect-ratio: 1.4975 / 1;">
March 7, 2020Hyperallergic
Wet Logic reviewed by Louis Bury for Hyperallergic From behind bitforms gallery’s glass facade, an artistic toilet bowl (“Toilet Joke I,” 2020) beckons passers-by into Wet Logic, Sarah Rothberg’s and Marina Zurkow’s digitized meditation on water’s unearthliness.
February 6, 2001bitforms gallery
Wet Logic, an exhibition by Sarah Rothberg and Marina Zurkow, opens at bitforms galleryWet Logic presents a model of the world organized according to a wet, oceanic ideology rather than a dry, land-based paradigm. This is a world that manifests the circuitous nature of time and the enmeshment of humans to the planet. Rothberg and Zurkow present a series of systems that further human connection to oceans by way of action and imagination.