Golan Levin & Casey ReasThe Art of Code
February 21 - March 30, 2002NYC
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<img src="https://www.bitforms.art/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/glcr_golanshow_w-150x103.jpg" data-large-src="https://www.bitforms.art/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/glcr_golanshow_w-400x275.jpg" class="lazy installation-small" alt="Golan Levin and Casey Reas, The Art of Code, bitforms gallery, 2002." style="aspect-ratio: 1.45245 / 1; cursor: pointer;">

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December 19, 2019bitforms gallery
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September 9, 2019Casey Reas: Medium
Collecting in the Age of Digital Reproduction Casey Reas“In the art market, almost everything sold is an object such as a drawing, a painting, a sculpture, an installation, or a photograph, but there are some exceptions. These deviations may include a contract, a set of instructions, a digital video file, or a software file. These are all examples of art as information rather than material.“