Encoded: Art With No Boundaries, a collaboration between VISU Contemporary and bitforms gallery, is a groundbreaking exhibition which explores the intersection of art, technology, and human perception. This exhibition brings together visionary artists who harness art, code, light and motion, to challenge our understanding of artistic expression.
Artists Include: Daniel Canogar, LaJuné McMillian, Manfred Mohr, Alex Reben, Daniel Rozin, Björn Schülke, Siebren Versteeg and Marina Zurkow.

Encoded: Art With No Boundaries, a collaboration between VISU Contemporary and bitforms gallery, is a groundbreaking exhibition which explores the intersection of art, technology, and human perception. This exhibition brings together visionary artists who harness art, code, light and motion, to challenge our understanding of artistic expression.
From Bjorn Schulke's ambient light-powered kinetic sculptures to the mesmerizing interactive video installations by Daniel Rozin and Daniel Canogar — the exhibition showcases how contemporary artists are expanding the boundaries of traditional art forms. Select artworks invite viewers to become active participants, blurring the lines between creator, artwork and audience, while redefining our notion of the canvas, to extend it into three-dimensional space and time. The exhibit also presents historic works by Manfred Mohr (b. 1938), a pioneer of generative art, who will showcase a range of early plotter works from the 1970’s and more recent printed metal objects.
Marina Zurkow urges a conversation between individual and global moments with her prints from the Crucible series. The porous connection between a lived experience and the far-reaching environment is portrayed through domestic, material manifestations.
Digital images of AI generated sculptures by Alex Reben and a real-time generative screen painting by Siebren Versteeg demonstrate how algorithms can be harnessed as a new kind of paintbrush which creates complex visual narratives in constant motion.
While the exhibited works employ cutting-edge technology, they are firmly rooted in art historical traditions. Schulke’s kinetic sculptures echo Dadaist and Constructivist experiments with movement and machines. The interactive works build upon the participatory aspects of 1960s Happenings and Fluxus events, while the algorithm-generated prints can be seen as a digital evolution of Abstract Expressionism and Conceptual Art.
This exhibition challenges the viewer to consider how new technology is not just a tool for artists, but a collaborator in the creative process, opening new realms of possibility. As visitors move through the exhibition, they will experience art which responds to their presence, art which evolves over time, as well as art which exists at the very edge of human and machine creativity.
Encoded: Art With No Boundaries offers a glimpse into the future of art while honoring the timeless human desire to create, interact, and find beauty in the world around us.
Artists Include: Daniel Canogar, LaJuné McMillian, Manfred Mohr, Alex Reben, Daniel Rozin, Björn Schülke, Siebren Versteeg and Marina Zurkow.